Engineering & Visual Engineering

Defining Material for Stress Analysis

Visual Engineering of a product to meet real world specifications includes determining what that product is made of, i.e., steel or wood or...


If DuckieHat is determining the shearing stress related to a material to provide evidence via a precise DuckieHat engineered animation than material make up of a product may be essential in determining it's breaking point or in some cases it's shearing stress.


Many metals are isotropic whereas wood is not. So the shearing stress for wood will differ due to which plane the force is applied to; whether the force is applied to the parallel or perpendicular plane of the wood grain.


Putting the Evidence Together

Even from visual evidence a DuckieHat engineer can determine in many cases if the testimony of  a witness is true or false. However if there is any physical evidence from the scene a DuckieHat Engineer than uses that evidence combined with Physics and Mechanics of Materials to determine the true replication of a scene; example how fast a car was going to cause the mechanical failure. 

DuckieHat than uses the engineering evidence and combines it with witness testimony to determine which witness is telling the truth. From there DuckieHat puts together a Forensic Animation based on Newton's laws of Physics along with engineered proven testimony to produce an animation for Attorney's and or their clients. A DuckieHat animation replicates real world events by incorporating witness testimony with engineering to produce a quality 3D video of the event.

Determination of Shear Stress


Then Tmax = Tc / J

As described in paragraph 1 wood is not Isotropic however metal is as shown in above equation.